Dino Park

Dino Park Mini Golf

迷你高尔夫球场有18个洞,并具有史前生物的真实比例副本,每个洞都与主题融为一体,并提供史前世界的不同和令人兴奋的景象。 原始沼泽,熔岩洞穴,动荡的霸王龙旁边,12米的瀑布下和喷发的火山下-均具有特殊的灯光和声音效果。

迷你高尔夫的容量为 一轮约60分钟,可容纳60人。 不想打高尔夫球的客人仍然可以享受Dino Park的刺激,同时拍照留念,为您的假期留下难忘的回忆。


Dino Park Bar & Restaurant

After playing a great round of Mini Golf you can sit back and relax in our bar and restaurant. Nothing goes down like an ice cold beer or any of our special soft drinks for the kids after spending an hour or so in our primeval jungle.

If you’re hungry then you can choose any number of our exotic specialties from our comprehensive menu. There is no better way to finish a day or an evening play off than relaxing in our open air primeval jungle restaurant.


Dino Park Mini Golf

Hours : 10:00 – 23:00 hrs.
Contact: +66 (0) 98-014-8745

Dino Park Bar & Restaurant

Hours: 12:00 – 23:00 hrs.(Last order: 22:30 hrs.)
Contact: +66 (0) 98-014-8745